Get the right size of your ring


To correctly take your ring size, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a ring that fits well : If you already have a ring that fits well on the ring finger of the hand you want to wear the new ring on, you can use it as a sizing reference.

  2. Measure the inside diameter of the ring : Use a ruler or tape measure to measure the inside diameter of the ring, from the inside of the opposite edge. Be sure to measure the widest diameter, avoiding including any protrusions or decorative parts of the ring.

  3. Use a ring size conversion chart : Compare your measurement with a ring size conversion chart to determine your size. These tables may vary slightly by country or manufacturer, so be sure to use a table appropriate for your region.

  4. Pay attention to international measurements : Ring sizes can be expressed in different units of measurement, such as millimeters, inches, or numerical measurements (for example, size 7, size 8, etc.). Make sure you know the unit of measurement used in the conversion table you are consulting.

  5. Consult a professional jeweler : If you are unsure of your ring size, you can go to a professional jeweler who will have special tools to accurately take the size of your finger and advise you on the most suitable ring size.

If you want to measure your rings using a thread, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose your thread : Make sure you use a fairly thin but strong thread, such as sewing thread or cotton thread.

  2. Cut the wire : Cut the wire into enough length to wrap around the finger where you want to wear the ring.

  3. Wrap the wire around your finger : Gently wrap the wire around the widest part of your finger where you want to wear the ring. Make sure the thread is snug but not too tight.

  4. Mark the overlap point : Where the wire overlaps, mark the meeting point with a slight bend or mark.

  5. Measure the length of the wire : Once you've marked the overlap point, you can measure the length of the wire using a ruler or tape measure. This measurement will correspond to the circumference of your finger.

  6. Use a conversion table : Compare the measurement obtained with a ring size conversion table to determine the corresponding size. Make sure you use a table appropriate for your region.

  7. Consider the width of the ring : If you plan to purchase a particularly wide ring, you may want to add a few millimeters to the measurement you get to make up the difference.

  8. Consult a jeweler : If you are unsure of your ring size, it is always advisable to consult a professional jeweler who can help you determine the most suitable size.

Taking ring measurements with a wire can be a useful method if you don't have access to more conventional measuring tools, but be sure to follow the steps precisely to get an accurate measurement.